For the sports fans, we've uploaded two episodes and a promo from Looking Inside Sports in Syndicated Radio.
We've added a brief tidbit about a 1986 week of The $25,000 Pyramid involving Bill in Guest Appearances.
In Photos, we've updated the "Bill & Ann At Home..." album with some nice wintery pics that Bill snapped around New York City after various snowstorms.
Also, in case you didn't notice the icon at the bottom of the pages now, The Bill Cullen Archive is on Instagram, just in case you need something to put a smile on your face between friends' photos of their food. Follow billcullenarchive and follow the hashtag #billcullen while you're at it.
Final thing: Based on Buzzr's schedule right now, on Saturday, January 16, they'll be airing three episodes of The Price is Right that have not been seen since their original airings in 1959. BE THERE!
